Academic Department of Critical Care

Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth, UK

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Information Technology Team

Our Information Technology (IT) team are:

Sheena Keates - Senior Sister & Project Manager
Steve Mathieu - Consultant ICM & IT Lead Clinician
Mike Lympany - Systems and Development Manager
Alan Butler - Senior Administration Manager
Emma Davies - Sister and CIS configuration
Claire Turner - Sister and CIS configuration
Sara Blakeley - Consultant ICM & Electronic Prescribing
Helen McHale - Lead Pharmacist & Electronic Prescribing

We also have a number of key users within the department.

We are an innovative team that is constantly trying to utilise IT for the benefit of patient care. We have had a computer information system (CIS) since 2000 and have moved to a second generation CIS in 2011
(Centricity TM, Critical Care, GE). We also have electronic prescribing and are one of the only completely paperless units in the country.

We have 24 bed spaces on our unit and every one has a designated computer terminal with all of our machines, monitors, infusion pumps and analysers are all integrated. This means that data is streamed across into our CIS automatically, allowing us to spend more time to care for our patients whilst collecting accurate and extensive physiological data. In addition to these care stations, there are also a number of other terminals at the main desks. We also have two computer on wheels ('COW') which are portable and used on ward rounds to allow us to have all of the clinical information that we need at our finger tips.

Other roles of the IT team include:
  • ICNARC data collection
  • Website design and maintenance - intranet and external website
  • Training & Education of over 200 staff (around 60 new doctors each year)
  • SECTRA PACS training
  • Maintenance and integration of all electronic devices and equipment
  • Innovation to improve patient care