Academic Department of Critical Care (DCCQ)

Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth

In 2001 the critical care department initiated an outreach service. This is a nurse-led service but is fully supported by the medical team.  Nurses from DCC and other areas now rotate through the Outreach service, although the core staffing is still drawn from senior critical care nurses. 

The Outreach service is operative from 07:30-20:30 every day

The main roles of the Critical Care Outreach team are:

Referral service: This service is for the acutely ill or deteriorating patient on the ward or who is causing concern or activating the VIEWS.

Follow up service: All patients discharged from the the department of critical care are automatically followed up by the Outreach team as well as being cared for by their own consultant led specialist team.

Education: The team provides advice and education on all aspects of acute care.

Tracheostomy advice and support: All patients with tracheostomies on the ward (excluding Head and Neck unit) are reviewed by the Tracheostomy team. The outreach staff are part of this team. Further information about the tracheostomy support can be found here

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The Critical Care Outreach Team