Training on our ICU
This web site is intended to provide information on the Critical Care Department at Queen Alexandra Hospital and access to the department guideline is available for healthcare professionals. The organisation requires that any changes intended on those guidelines are communicated to the department and excludes any responsibility for the use of those guidelines by any Trust personnel or third parties. All reasonable measures have been taken to ensure the quality and accuracy of the information. However, the department may change, delete, add to or otherwise amend information contained in this website. While the Department has taken care to provide accurate information, this website is a general guide and is not a substitute for clinical advice. This website has been prepared carefully and in good faith, the Department is not liable for any errors, costs or losses arising from use of this website or the information contained herein.
We are very proud of our well established reputation for excellence in teaching and training. We consistently receive excellent feedback both informally and formally (STC and PMETB) from our doctors, nurses, medical and nursing students.
In 2009 our department became the first UK intensive care unit to achieve C12 recognition for critical care training from the College of Intensive Care Medicine for Australia and New Zealand. In 2013, we were awarded A* grading for our ICM training (ACCS & Anaesthetics ST3 +).
All of the training documents that you will require to have read before starting your Intensive Care Medicine training with us are below.
We are aware that there are also more specific training needs for the different specialties and grades of the doctors that come through our training programmes and we have included additional resources for you by grade and specialty here.
There is an active medical education centre in the Trust with libraries linked with the Wessex Medical Library in Southampton. Research projects are developed with the help of the Academic Research and Development Support Unit at QAH. The Critical Care Department has its own seminar room/library with a good selection of books and journals together with a number of computer work stations (with internet access) for the use of medical and nursing staff. Access to 'Up to Date' is available at the bedside and we subscribe to the ESICM 'PACT' modules.
We have an extensive number of other training opportunities here, including options to attend taster anaesthetic days (speak to Dr Steve Mathieu), simulator training, follow up clinics, our comprehensive Friday teaching programme, journal club and many more! Details of all of these can be found in your induction handbook. We have also set up the Portsmouth Intensive Care Exam Revision (PINCER) course to help prepare for the new FFICM examination.
In 2013, the Department of Critical Care achieved academic status through its affiliation with the University of Portsmouth.

▪ Journal club - these are presented by the registrars and the papers discussed can be found on the electronic journal club
▪ Core curriculum training for all doctors
▪ Case presentations
▪ Multidisciplinary topics presented by other specialists
▪ We also have monthly Morbidity and Mortality (M&M), Clinical Governance meetings and regular joint meetings with other specialties.
Our training programme is well established and is regarded very highly amongst our staff and visitors. We recently received an A* rating for training in Wessex deanery and are proud of our reputation for delivering quality teaching and training.