Few remaining places
Availability on 23rd September 2020
Please click the link above to download the application form. You can return this via post, email or fax. Please make cheque for £75 payable to ‘Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust’
Alternative Payment Options: These are listed on the application form. Please do not forget to return the application form as well
Please return this application form to:
Emily Foord - Course Administrator
TEAMS Centre
2nd Floor QuAD Centre
Queen Alexandra Hospital
Southwick Hill Road
Tel +44(0)2392286306
Email: vimars@porthosp.nhs.uk
Alternative Payment Options: These are listed on the application form. Please do not forget to return the application form as well
Please return this application form to:
Emily Foord - Course Administrator
TEAMS Centre
2nd Floor QuAD Centre
Queen Alexandra Hospital
Southwick Hill Road
Tel +44(0)2392286306
Email: vimars@porthosp.nhs.uk
If you have any queries or would like more details about the PINCER course, please contact Emily Foord using the contact form below or using the details listed above
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Kind Regards
Enthusiastic faculty. Very approachable. Great educational experience. I would
highly recommend this course to my colleagues. Excellent to have generic OSCE
feedback at the end
Sept 2015
Excellent time for feedback. Excellent timing, didn’t feel rushed. Excellent time for
feedback + great use of handouts. Hot topics awesome resource – thanks Steve!
Sept 2015
I passed. Very, very grateful for the input on the course - by far one of the best
revision courses that I've been on!
Sept 2015
Being able to take away the OSCE feedback was exceptionally useful and saved time/stress when revising these areas after the course
March 2014
Opportunity to practice exam-style relentlessly
March 2014
Best of the 3 FFICM courses available currently. Challenging and pushes ability. The standard of both OSCE / SOE higher compared to the others. Excellent hot topics talk.
March 2013
Thanks to you and all of the faculty for an excellent course. It was invaluable for preparation and obviously lots of time and effort went in to making such a great course. It was definitely worth at least double the course fee.
September 2013
Cancellation policy: In the event of withdrawal from the course, a full refund will be returned only if this withdrawal is because of a failure in the MCQ sitting and notice is provided within 72 hours of the published result. 100% of the total fee will otherwise be charged. While we make every effort to run courses as advertised, we reserve the right to change the timetable and/or the teaching staff without prior notice and to cancel any courses without liability (in which case there will be a full refund of course fees to delegates).
Hot Topics in ICM Presentation also available to download by clicking on image above.
Free Open Access Medical Education (FOAM) courtesy of PINCER